Heart Health Assessment

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Step 1 of 7

This assessment is intended to give you an understanding of the emotional and spiritual health of your life. First think through each question and determine a quick placement on Health Indicator Scale (ranging from Never to Always.) This assessment is only as credible as the authenticity of the answers. Your first instinct is usually the most honest and accurate response. Most leaders are inclined to post the “best answer” but we want honest, raw, and vulnerable responses to these questions.

In the box to the right place the number from 1-5 that best describes your feeling today. Tally each section and place the numeric score on the total line for each category. Add the tallied scores from each section to get the overall total score.

Health Indicator Scale (HIS):

Select the appropriate answer for each question.

Each answer has a numeric value from 1-5 based on these indicators:

1 - Never    2- Seldom    3 - Ocassionally    4 - Often    5 - Always